Simon Chiu

Building, a customer support platform

Added the ability to generate API keys for

Having an API is almost table stakes nowadays in creating a SAAS.

Refactored some code, wrote some tests.

Been doing a lot of "chores" for the code base. A lot of code (written by me) that I needed to clean up. As the code base gets bigger, this takes up at least 30-40% of my time on a weekly basis.

Sped up site wide search from 8s to <0.2s uses Postgres on the backend. Instead of having a separate search stack like Elasticsearch, we simply use the built-in full text search functionality provided by the database (to keep the stack simple). This morning, I added an extra column to have pre-calculated values for the search vectors. Sped up the whole thing by... a lot.

Improved layout for article editor (adding spacing, improved responsive breakpoints)

Slowly but surely improving our documentation website's Lighthouse scores Here's the score (screenshot) for this page:

SEO. I hate writing blog articles, but it's important to get a good SEO footprint in order to get some Google love. Documentation is probably one of the most straightforward ways to improve SEO while giving your users some benefit.

Leased a new server for an old project. Will be doing some migrating today.