Simon Chiu

Building, a customer support platform

The Work In Progress for the help widget: added animations today

The V1 for the app is almost complete. I'm adding some finishing touches to the help widget. Chat will be added some time between V1 and V2. All of this was coded in glorious plain vanilla JS!

Added another article in the documentation for

Writing documentation is definitely not my favourite, but I'm writing at least 1 article per day to keep up with it.

Published a blog article on why I redesigned the app UI:

Optimized SQL queries. One-liner of an achievement, but took ALL day.

Wrote another documentation article for

I'm trying to keep up with this at least once per day. It's easy to code. It's hard to document well (so users can help themselves).

Fixed some JS error. Wasn't breaking the app, but gotta get rid of those console errors, right?

Added iOS notification for myself when new account/user is created :-)