Giancarlo Buomprisco

Maker of things, blogger of articles, drinker of coffees

Work on a task for my side project: pre-fill form values if they have already been entered in a previous session

Practice Mandarin

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

"Hao Wan" 😅

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

Wao Han is "to have fun" and Hao Can "good to see"


Completed another blog post. Second in 3 days. Yay!

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

As soon as the editor will publish it :D


share it!!!


Today I am feeling more like writing than coding as it's been a while since my last blog post - so I'll spend the day finishing that

I worked on minor design improvements on my (unreleased) product. I have added a ton of features lately so I should probably do some stabilization work before proceeding with finalizing the MVP and the overall architecture.

Optimized my application for lower resolutions. Having used a Macbook Pro for a while I forgot what life was like with a 1366x768px screen!