Giancarlo Buomprisco

Maker of things, blogger of articles, drinker of coffees

Writing trip blog post

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

here it is:


Writing a blog post about Next.js error handling:


Add Conversion rate detail for store's orders

Enriching our customers' reports with more details about their conversion rates πŸš€

Join Telegram chat

I am not a fan of instant chats (introvert alert!) but happy to hear about what makers are doing!
Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

I am old enough to remember Makerlog's conversations! Missing them a bit πŸ˜…


Writing MakerKit Blog Post for new Stripe functionality

Writing my latest changelog for MakerKit detailing how the Stripe configuration works.

Link: πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Writing new MakerKit Docs

The Docs need a refresh since the first release - I feel like most of the time will be spent here from now on. Will also help with some much needed SEO juice!

Add Orders Stats to Dashboard

Data is fake πŸ˜… but looking good! πŸš€

Added 404 Page for MakerKit

Ok it's barebones but it will do πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Add new Formtoro templates

Added new templates to make it super fast to build a form from scratch πŸš€

Trying to get back into the habit of tweeting daily 😬

How do y'all guys do it? πŸ˜…

Update Formtoro default theme

Starting automation improvements to Formtoro.

As we increase the number of sign-ups, we want to reduce the manual work required for creating forms, reducing the workload to read reports, etc.

One more Cypress test while on the train

Hopefully we'll be seated with a table. πŸ˜…

Last day Rome, first day of 2022

Last day in beautiful Rome. Mentally preparing for a tough start in 2022.

Personal stuff aside, I have a few clients getting onboarded, and hopefully some more soon!

MakerKit will be launched in February instead, a bit later than planned. My perfectionist side keeps winning!

No work today. Celebrating NYE!

Happy new year, makers! I wish plenty of success for everyone! πŸš€

Add another Invitation E2E Test for MakerKit

Not much time to do anything today - but one thing is better than nothing! :)

Found a coffee shop in Rome where you can work from! It's not easy πŸ˜…

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

If any maker is working in Rome, the coffee shop "Ex Circus" is the nearest thing to a co-working space/coffee shop I found in the center. Coffee is good and wifi is pretty fast!

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

Thank you Helen!


Rome trip day

Little time for work today (emails, logs checking).

Christmas break in Rome. Visited the city center, drank coffee and bubble tea (quality certified by a Taiwanese!).

Travelling to Rome for a short break

Will still try to ship small bits 😁