Giancarlo Buomprisco

Maker of things, blogger of articles, drinker of coffees


Went to a wedding yesterday; a bit hangover, unable to do anything 😬

Racing against the clock to finalize integration before client goes live 😅

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

Not finished but great progress


ES Optimization

Our new client is big...which means, me working on something I quite do not enjoy. ElasticSearch.
Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

I hate this


Added GA tracking events to

By default, Makerkit allows tracking screen views and user actions. Thanks to #storyjoy from which the code was taken 🤣

Match order with Subscription by email instead of discounts

At the moment, Formtoro understands if a purchase was generated via our service if the order contains a discount issued by Formtoro. We are going to extend this by matching if the email matches the order's.

Sicily trip bookings

GF and I are going on a month-long trip to Sicily 😅 Booking AirBnbs and flights today.

Auto generate poster images

Generating images for stories is a hassle and most of the time it's simply the image on the first page. We can automate this by letting users generate one automatically.