Giancarlo Buomprisco

Maker of things, blogger of articles, drinker of coffees

React 18 migration

The new dev mode behavior broke quite some stuff :|
Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

One of the core libraries I use doesn't support it well :|


Overflowing elements to be transparent

Spent a weirdly long amount of time on this :|

Image cropping!

This took wayyy longer than I thought.

you are making it so good that adobe stock is falling πŸ“‰πŸ“‰ πŸ˜‚

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

Thank you! It took me nearly a week and it's still not perfect πŸ˜… I wasn't planning on making it so good for an MVP but my only user (my GF!) was too frustrated with it


Proper images handling

Arggh.. I am bad at this. But it's gonna look *good*.
Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

Harder than I thought and not 100% happy with it, but sort of works


Publish flow

Uploading video isn't working in Makerlog 😬 But I can share the final screen :)

Trying some ideas for the landing page


is this webflow?

Giancarlo Buomprisco Author

No, just Tailwind :)


Added light mode

I wasn't planning on making one, but my GF (who's writing the templates and QAing) wasn't too fond of the dark version. Fortunately, Tailwind makes it a breeze.

Editor bugs fixing

Sooo many bugs. My GF is my QA and helping a ton 🀣

Added support for SVG elements

Despite lacking support for more editing, it's kind of working; happy with that for now πŸ˜…

Preparing some media for the Home Page

I spent a couple of months working on a prototype for building Web Stories, and it's almost time to throw it out there and release it. Building something perfect will take a long time with this sort of product, and I cannot wait 😬