
I am learning how to manage work & family demands while I build Jovial & πŸ†˜. #buildinpublic to help working family caregivers. πŸ‘‡πŸΎ http://try.jovial.app/sos/for/makerlog

Cross-check LinkedIn copy revisions with ChatGPT for feedback then create a separate ticket to fix another day. 😝

Draft & edit LinkedIn outreach messages for the last 2 segments/personas

Draft & edit LinkedIn outreach message for different segments

Accept the Million Dollar Weekend 10% discount challenge then enjoy my reward.

Spec out requirements & specify targets for my outreach sequences copy. I will not scope creep or be a perfectionist. Lord help me πŸ˜‚

Identify an idea space to align any freelance work with customer development

Identify an idea space to keep me focus on exploring customer problems