
building @, writing @

sent the latest newsletter

added to branding/design twitter thread

organize the visual content to content calendar

nothing is perfect yet, but I organized the content into the content calendar so I can start thinking about how to distribute/ market.

late start today

- keep working on the visual content from yesterday
- write newsletter survey

exploring visual content

I'm thinking about adding a comic section into my newsletter:

- it would become a sub newsletter.
- It would be sent on a separate day as a separate email. People can opt-out if they want.
- It would be mostly graphic, comic /guide style would cover simple design concepts to simple life ideas (i.e, what is branding, what is love, what is a failure, etc). It is meant to be fun and enjoyable and makes you think a bit (for enjoyment), and fewer tips and tricks (which gets sent out on Tuesday).

Why do I want to do this:
- I enjoy it, it's fun, less serious!
- my readers might like it, it's very visual and I plan to make it less serious.
- It will be a lot more sharable, and the visual content can funnel into other social channels. Right now it is challenging to share my newsletter via Instagram because it's very text-heavy.
- can get additional subscribers. and it might be very interesting to guest blog/post


Hua Author

thanks guys! 🙏


latest newsletter issue on IH

twitter thread for blog post

done and scheduled for wednesday

newsletter day

- add content to a branding tweet thread
- write content to newsletter

add content to a branding tweet thread

done here:

late start today

sat on the balcony for a while today because the weather was nice.
There is a couple hours left today, I plan to:
- post my reddit posting process on IH, Startup school, Hashnode
- write a draft for newsletter
- start a sketch for visuals/graphics
Hua Author

yes! It was so nice! The sun was out and it was breezy. the best! : )

Faraaz Ahmad

Always helps to enjoy some nice weather and get some calm


write a draft for newsletter

been putting writing off, finally did one draft today. hope to do more writing tomorrow, we'll see.

posted my reddit posting process on IH

instagram prep done

marketing text ready to go. just need to post it tmr


reposted newsletter: