
building @, writing @

marketing reddit posts

posted at 7 subreddits, lets so how many survives...XD

Any feedback/traffic yet from the Reddit posts?


Great! Can you share a article on how you went about it.


6/23, content share day

- get markdown post on IH, hash node
- reddit marketing post, mod post
- post on medium, hackernoon

social share

- Instagram newsletter post
- added to Twitter thread

newsletter day, to-do

- write and prep for newsletter going out tomorrow
- writing

marketing/backend day

- check font server for non google fonts
- reddit marketing
- racket
- create visual for blog post that goes out next week
- create Instagram post that goes out tomorrow
- create infographic based on feedback from r/coolguides
Hua Author

two items left on the previous list:


pretty productive morning so far!

- published latest issue on indiehackers:

- posted to Instagram!

to-do, 6/15

- Instagram
- edit next blog post to be published
- published latest newsletter issue over to medium;
- post on reddit
- export markdown + edit latest news latter to post on Hashnode and IH
- admin stuff...emails

marketing day

- racket no.14
- post on subreddits today
- experiment: making some infographics/guides to share on different channels?
- medium pub research

marketing/content day

- post newsletter on indie hackers
- write racket text + make racket no.12
- write/schedule threads for twitter/reddit
- write text for reddit
- researching about medium pubs 🤔

instagram tonight

- get some visuals done tonight to post tomorrow
- create racket tomorrow, get text ready

content day

- blog post 1 and blog post 2
- racket no.10
- organize blog from the previous week into something visual and easily digestible

syndication/prep marketing day

done all the items on this list for today
- write content for marketing (reddit, twitter)
- make another bite-sized animation for this issue of FD (impression was better)
- doing lots of content syndications at indiehackers, hackernoon, hashnode, and Instagram

racket no. 7 and no.8 done

17 left!

content day

- working on newsletter going out tomorrow
- racket

content day

I have two blog posts I would like to finish by the end of the day today.

racket done for today!

about legibility when it comes to displaying text on projects.
this is number 5 out 25. 20 more to go! I'm having fun making these :)

marketing & research day

started off the morning slow...
- already: posted on Instagram
- next up: making a racket
- after that: post on indiehackers
- then: I am spending some time researching about creating a subreddit
- after: edit next week blog post, content writing to do

racket done!

always a huge relief to get these audio posts done. talk unedited is hard 😬

prep content

- edit and prep next blog post to be published next week!
- create visual content

write newsletter

this morning so far:
- already did a little marketing on Reddit.
- played with a bunch of no-code tools! is fun, for some reason my post on r/startup keeps getting removed. (I checked the rules, it was ok to post links. I posted similar content before and It was ok too. hm.)
- working on getting the newsletter ready to send for tomorrow!

keep going with my racket experiment

trying to make 25 of these and see what happens!
number 3:
A Creative Way to Reconsider Your Marketing Visuals

marketing and content day today

- visual content - insta
- audio content - racket. I'm chopping my newsletter to 3 short audio clips to post on racket
- do more content writing if I have time