
Stay in the loop in the constantly evolving dev ecosystem

Admin UI: Edit/Add blogs, books, communities, courses, developers, newsletters, podcasts

Continue Admin UI for editing topics

Will speed up adding/editing topics in the future

Added a public roadmap for http://intheloop.dev and found the perfect fit for me ProductStash

This does not cover all my ideas for intheloop but covers some upcoming topics and allows everyone to vote which helps me prioritize Fire

Filter out experimental releases

React has a huge amount of experimental releases starting with 0.0.0 - had to filter them out to not spam the releases

Added React to

No books/courses yet, but already a decent bit of info

Fixed a bug that caused fetched releases to always be saved

Deleted 58.000 duplicate releases 😅

Add more prominent newsletter section



Minimal is the best.


UI fixes

This is mainly based on feedback I received on Twitter

- Added simple icon for intheloop
- Fixed rounded border for topics (outer container was rounded, inner color container was not, leading to a weird colored sharp edge)
- Moved the SOON badge
- Aligned padding in header (top padding was larger than bottom padding)

Optimize mobile UI for tweets

When the username/time was wider then the container, it overlapped and caused a vertical scroll - this was gladly reported on Twitter and was easily fixable :)

Finishing UI touches for

New icon for documentation link
Align casing

Optimize language detection

Found out that the Google Translation API does not bill based on invocations but on amount of characters sent to it. I'm glad I have a billing alert, as I already paid 10$ for translations now, changed the implementation to only send a part of the blog post rather than sending the entire blog post, saving $$$