
Stay in the loop in the constantly evolving dev ecosystem

Fix SPA navigation on Vercel

Had to add a redirect to index.html using vercel.json

Fetch releases via NPM registry

Just implemented pulling releases via NPM registry API for #intheloop. The Github API wasn't helpful here so I had to improvise.

Scheduled via Firebase - saved in Supabase.

Fetch Github releases scheduled

Releases are now fetched using Firebase scheduled functions (generous free quota) and then saved in Supabase.

Some repositories don't allow me to fetch the releases via Github API even though they are public, still trying to figure out why.

Init firebase project for scheduled functions

Will be used to pull Github releases scheduled

Added a second topic

Vite - still in the works.
Will stick with two topics for now and polish Kotlin and Vite.
Next step is getting the release infos from the Github API automatically.