Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Toyed with daisyUI, Tailwind, found a really awesome Nuxt 3 template (Nuxtwind Daisy) but still unsure. In the end, gravitated towards just plain CSS for now

Key fixes: Annoyed by trying to sync body bg color and reading bg color, so removed data binding altogether! And it works I didnt need it in first place πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Added setTimeout delay of 800 to setting initial pm2.5 bg color so that even if I toggle fast between browsers it still works. F**k wasted so much time on this today 😑

Added empty state (muted grey bg, non-zero nil reading, advisory n.a.) when API down

Day 1037 - Starting a new streak... on Github - https://golifelog.com/posts/starting-a-new-streak-on-github-1698980619013

Researching on HTML templates. Should I use HTML over Tailwind/Bulma? πŸ€”

Sent custom portfolio, CV, bio to consulting partner for potential gig

Hard-coded a fix to the PSI page cos now the API endpoint is showing weird data and screwing up the display

Day 1036 - Why having a huge competitor can be good for indie hackers - https://golifelog.com/posts/why-having-a-huge-competitor-can-be-good-for-indie-hackers-1698905336116

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ


Jason Leow Author

Yes it's re: dannypostmaa's tweet. Xiaomi making something similar to Headshot Pro


Felt too flu-ed out today to get much done, but added some style tweaks at least! I think next step is to just fork it and build the site I need for ketolistsingapore, keyboardsg and add more features to the boilerplate based on real world execution rather than dreaming up feature I need in the boilerplate in abstract

Raised first ever issue in Github! To datagovsg - https://github.com/datagovsg/datagovsg-datasets/issues/1661

Day 1035 - November 2023 goals - https://golifelog.com/posts/november-2023-goals-1698805184349

Got invited and agreed to join the Digital Advisory Panel for the National Heritage Board for 2 years. Pro bono role, but might be an interesting volunteering experience to give back

Fajar Siddiq

I get Pro Bono roles too in other organization, but i wish we can always get paid better either via partnership

Jason Leow Author

Yeah also thought they should at least have some honorarium. But well, I take it as I'm volunteering for charity work lah..


Applied for Human Centered Design, Researcher, Temus.com - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3745997252

Fajar Siddiq

applying full time job?

Fajar Siddiq

Awesome, thanks for sharing! What’s the market like for recruitment / talent? Do people look for full time job or paid projects? Or specific tasks?


Played around more with DALL-E 3 for app logo/icon until I ran out of credits

Added a new button in my confetti button 2 plugin to celebrate Halloween! It shoots bursts of pumpkin man and ghost β€˜confetti’! - https://confettibutton2.carrd.co/

Day 1034 - October 2023 wrap-up - https://golifelog.com/posts/october-2023-wrap-up-1698748783243

- Current MRR (all from Lifelog): $109 (β€’$0)
- One-off revenue: $938 (↓$61)
- Total revenue: $1047 (↓$61)
- Total costs = $201 (↓$59)
- Total profit: $846 (↓$2) (excl. consulting revenue)
- Profit margin: 80.8% (↑4.3%)