Jip Fr

133 jumps

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Carl Poppa 🛸

is this a personal (private) project?

Jip Fr Author

Thanks! It’s based on the system theme. The stack is Nuxt with SCSS, nothing too special going on there


feat(reader): navigate to next/prev chapter if on last/first page and tapping

Merge pull request from Undooooo/master When the reader is clicked it will change pages

feat(settings): add "ignore reading" environment variable to never store progress

Fix negative food budget not showing up in the hero

Woops, I assumed <= 0 meant !== 0 in the context of my app, when it really wasn't....

Fix some annoying styling issues

- move overview legend to the bottom
- WHY IS WORD-WRAP: BREAK-WORD NOT THE DEFAULT? Who wants their layout to break??