Jip Fr

133 jumps

Sorry about the “error @ 55” thing you all! Bad mistake on my end. Quickly fixed it on mobile

Now using `created_at` again instead of `updated_at` because that behaviour was weird...

Attachments can now be seen! (thanks Fajar for the heads up)

Jip Fr Author

Try to reload the page, does it show your images for you? If so, can you send me a full page screenshot in the Kitchen? Thanks!


Replaced `created_at` with `updated_at` to hopefully properly load all tasks for a day, the same way Makerlog does it

Attempting to load 3 days instead of 2 (still displaying just 2) to attempt to fix the missing of some tasks before the end of yesterday, but it's still not showing some

Woop woop!! Today is now also available under a Makerlog subdomain. https://today.getmakerlog.com

Pushed fix causing errors if you signed in before I added multiple account functionality