Implement sign up functionality using an invite system beta
Design invites table schema beta
Get to inbox zero
Start rebuilding the frontend of my
Right now it's just Ghost, but I don't have the ability to do some stuff I want to do, so I decided to convert it to a headless blog powered by Ghost as I still like the writing experience of Ghost. I just want to add more robust functionality to my site.
Daddy / daughter breakfast date.
Handle spam
Take daughter to local STEMfest
Had a lot of fun learning about STEM stuff with her. We even got snakes around us.
Spend the day fixing a stupid thing that shouldn't even be an issue beta. Oofta.
Meet with accountant
Ditch turbo repo in monorepos with a custom runner
Too many damn issues, Vercel is been annoying lately too so the less of their stuff I use, the better.
fix breaking authentication in beta π¬
House cleaning day
Rest Day
Gonna go spend the day outside and enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather and sun doing some day drinking and people watching on the Mighty Mississippi River.