
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

✍️ My very FIRST post on this new year, on my new SaaS! Day 1 - Jumpstart January

Bumped up Brandon's user id from 9 to 3, because sometimes it matters!

🤩🤑😍First MRR dollar just landed!!! Now at $10 MRR

I know this means nothing and users will churn, but HELL YEAAAHHHHHH my first MRR dollar! 🍻

🚀 Just pressed the button on a soft launch for Lifelog! Wooohooo here goes nothing!

Ending this crummy year with a highlight from my #decodingcoding journey - my very first SaaS!

Lifelog is a platform to write everyday towards your goals. Having wrote daily for 2 years straight, I’m a big believer in the power of writing to think, plan, imagine and realising your goals. Those who are revving up for a change in 2021 with ambitious goals, start here:

I spent 3 months on this... coding the functionality bit by bit, realising it can actually work, and then design-developing the writing UI from zero. I’d not worked this hard on a software product before, but pleased with how much fun I had learning new programming languages/frameworks as I go, and how it turned out in the end.

The best part, I’m making a tool for myself as I continue my daily words after this break. It’s kinda freeing to know that, even if no one else uses this tool, it’ll still be useful to one user (ie me!). But of course, I’m banking on the fact that there’s more folks like me out there who enjoying writing, thinking and achieving. 😎

For the tech-savvy, my tech stack is Nuxt.js/Vue.js + Bulma on frontend, and a headless CMS/API builder called Strapi (based on Node.js) on backend, all hosted on Heroku.
Jason Leow Author

Thank you Nick! 🍻

Nic Coates

Congrats on the soft launch Jason 🎉


🚀 Set up custom domain on Heroku via Cloudflare...for FREE! Annnd it's now live

Cloudflare is awesoommmmme! Heroku allows for free custom domain but not SSL, so Cloudflare to the rescue. Cloudflare even has apps like welcome bar, secuity, chat, that you can 1-click install. Fascinating how they can do that without the user having to embed any script or install packages.

Added favicon, og:image, and all meta tags to

Tried Netlify prerendering but didn't seem to help much with Lighthouse scores...anyone had a similar/different experience?
Jason Leow Author

@knight can't wait! 💪

Knight Tan

joined and going to start in 1st Jan :P


Updated DNS from Namecheap to Netlify, now just have to sit on my hands for 24-48h 😑

Records updated and propagated in record time, in 1-2h!!! Netlify is niiiice

Registered for Sendinblue email provider for all my transactional emails

😪 Mind-boggling research on payment gateways along the nocode to low-code to full-code spectrum

Trying to find one that's no to low-code in terms of implementation, easy and fast to deploy, and easy for customers to self-help... Payhere seems like a good middle ground!

-- 2.5% TillyPay for nocode payment with redirect urls
-- 1% Paythen nocode payment with redirect urls
-- 2% Payhere nocode-lowcode-dev payment with npm, APIs, webhooks
-- $15/m + 1.9% Servicebot for lowcode payment embdeddables like plan picker, checkout form, invoice portal
-- $?? Paddle with inline checkout embed
-- Pico $0/m until pass 500 contacts, then $5
-- Stripe client only checkout, least code needed compared to Stripe Checkout (server) and Stripe Elements
Knight Tan

ping me on telegram or twitter if wanna talk !

Knight Tan

let me know, I can get you the GetPayHQ account to use Stripe Checkout directly


More brainstorming with friend on the name... Lifelogger (instead of Lifelog) seems like the best compromise/corrective alignment, considering trade-offs with SEO ranking, domain availability and price, and accuracy to the app's purposes

Brainstormed and narrowed down my name/domain choices

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Designed new logo for - what do you guys think?

Lifelog is about setting your most ambitious goals and life aspirations, and writing your way towards them, every day. It's a community focused on intentional living and deliberate experimentation. Share your goals, your daily thoughts, tasks and plans, and get inspired by what others are doing.

Comments thread sorting was wonky and seemingly random, couldn't fix in backend, so used sort() with v-for on frontend to sort in DESC

Tweaked styling using Bulma - quite enjoying it! Or is Tailwind better? 🤔