Built my first ever web component!
Finally finished the ES5 module of JavaScript course and the major budget project for it!
Lots of progress on first not totally trivial JS project
Made some really good progress on the budget application
Start working on the budget application from my JavaScript course
Refactor A/B test code based on some new JS techniques I learned from my course.
Finished coding A/B test.
Completed JavaScript coding challenges from my course
Play around with some really early stage landing page ideas
Setup a base project with sensible defaults and workflow to use when creating landing pages
Built outline of a new landing page for a client
Improve the logic of my game project to make it more complicated and fun
Made my first basic JavaScript game based on course I am taking
Watch Watch videos from Jonas Schmedtmann's JavaScript Udemy course
Watch introduction to Kubernetes video
Prototype A/B Test for client
Learn basics of SpinaCMS
Cancel unused subscription services
Watch videos from Jonas Schmedtmann's JavaScript Udemy course
Provided some quick landing page advice for @st0m4 in Slack and provided a mockup for comparison
Setup makerlog account
Mark Hoad
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Also @Booligoosh I just downloaded a copy of your Maker Log menu bar. Awesome job on it!