Net Riches

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Drawing out all the scenes/states for version 8 of homepage hero animation

Whittled down feature/benefit prompt responses and workshopped them in Figma

Bucketed feature/benefit homepage content into 14 categories, to begin whittling down

Started homepage logo section

Net Riches Author


Net Riches Author

For this startup I'm optimizing for quality of execution over speed. At my last startup (YC & VC backed) we aggressively 80/20'd it, and although we got to 9mm arr at peak and almost exited for 77mm, it imploded due to too much half-baked execution. This time around I'm going slower and focusing on execution quality -- less 80/20 and more 95/5 you could say


Wrote partial written decision on next steps after hero to start work on for

Documented buildout/concession with property manager at new office space