Scheduled at least 2 week's ahead of design-related posts on LinkedIn
Completed interview guide
Completed bodystorming/mystery shopper activity sheet
Bought shopping vouchers for interviewees
Confirmed remaining interviews, except learning visits
Completed activity sheet for bodystorming/mystery shopper research
Confirmed 2 more interviews for design research
Confirmed another interview for design research
User recruitment continued - more screening and calls
Wrote and scheduled at least 2 week's ahead for LinkedIn posts about design
Created interviewee list to collate leads
Created team calendar
Sent out more messages, social media posts to recruit users
Ongoing user recruitment - messaging, screening, prioritizing
User recruitment in progress
Completed and sent out design research plan for greenlight
Scheduled at least 2 weeks' ahead for design-related LinkedIn posts
Conducted pre project scoping workshop
Logistics prep for scoping workshop
Post-its post-its post-its
Signed 3-year agreement for training workshops for nonprofit governance institute
- 1-day and 2-day workshops for more regular income
- interesting opportunity to travel
- interest to explore longer term collab
- mutual trust
- interesting opportunity to travel
- interest to explore longer term collab
- mutual trust