
Fastest way to innovate public policy & social services

Lining up discussions for future training workshops and coaching with client

Did final presentation to senior management team. Consultancy gig completed! 🎉

Discussing potential opportunity for collaboration with better.sg and Majurity Trust for nocode masterclass for non-profits

Approached by Singapore Institute of Technology to discuss adjunct lecturing opportunity - fixed meeting to discuss

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Carl! LinkedIn is certainly paying off! This was a cold DM!

Carl Poppa 🛸

wow everything is happening for you Jason! 🙌


📜✍️ Signed and sent letter of engagement to be on a panel of consultants for a learning institute

Completed video (extended version) for client

Now working on shorter and subbed video

Attended 3h meeting with another (new) client to immerse in context for ideation workshop

💵 Sent invoice of $30015 to client!

Made a 10min mockup just for fun 👇
Jason Leow Author

Received yes but they need corp Paynow… gonna run down to the bank asap to apply!

Jason Leow Author

haha Carl you have no idea how much I'm looking fwd to that cheque


Updated my Revue newsletter title and description on twitter

To better reflect what the monthly newsletter offers - a deeper look into the lessons from wins and failures from building my portfolio of products AND services. Most of the stuff I write in the newsletter I don't tweet about it, so it's almost exclusive first dips

Completed storyboard sections for the final report, awaiting final storyboard frames from Fiverr artist - ~ 95% complete...submitting tomorrow for sure!

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Completed insights sections, writing out storyboard for the final report, awaiting storyboard frames from Fiverr artist - ~ 85% complete...so CLOSE!

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Completed quotes sections, writing out insights sections for the final report - ~70% complete

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Commissioned a Fiverr illustrator to sketch 9 frames of the storyboard (US$50 in 5 days) for the report

Designed more assets, wrote more content for the final report - ~50% complete

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Completed overall template frame for final report for consultancy project... now to populate it with content!

Wrote and scheduled design-related LinkedIn posts at least 2 weeks' ahead