
Fastest way to innovate public policy & social services

Updated site to reflect new Remote and Jumpstart pricing to $5,990 - but in truth I really need a site refresh!

Received notification that $64k bid for gov consulting project was not successful... oh well was kinda expecting it 🤷‍♂️ (but upside is realising that the new tender limit on gov tenders is now >$90k! And I under-bidded 😓)

Sent out important email to client for upcoming workshops in end-Feb - Mar

Registered ($40 one-time) an Alternate Address for business entity on ACRA

Registered for virtual office address ($50/y) with vofficesingapore.com

Still having workshop hangover headache 2 days after event... dang I'm old!

Fajar Siddiq

wiser! ;)

Jason Leow Author

haha thanks bro


Video call with OGP to share ideas and stories for the hack for public good hackathon

🙏🙏🙏 Signed $52k (+ additional $20k of optional work items) purchase order for consulting gig with non-profit for whole of 2023 - I survived!

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Edwin! Another year of being an unkillable cockroach!