
Fastest way to innovate public policy & social services

Sent feedback form to client team to ask for feedback and NPS rating

Completed full day Iteration workshop for non-profit client. It's the final session for the project so it's a wrap for this one!

Also seeded new possible micro-consulting sessions for the future! 🤞

Completed and sent out slidedeck for Iteration workshop for non-profit client

95% draft of slidedeck for Iteration workshop for non-profit client

70% draft of slidedeck for Iteration workshop for non-profit client

Coffee chat and meeting with Exec Dir of non-profit client I've been working with all this year

Post-mortem: Got new ideas and proposals to pitch for new work!

Preparation, setting agenda, reading through past feedback, for coffee chat meeting with Exec Dir of non-profit client

💰 Received S$9500 in bank account from client, 2 weeks after invoice sent

Half day coaching for live prototyping at 2 of non-profit client's centres

Sent individual request to every client team member to ask for feedback and NPS score

Jason Leow Author

NPS scores 8 and above!


🏁 Completed Iteration workshop for client. Project finally completed after 2 months!

Sent photos+text for analogous inspiration from site visit to client team

Completed and sent slide deck to client for Iteration workshop tomorrow

Attend STACKx, a data & AI conference by Govtech

Jason Leow Author

@poppacalypse LOADS. All the AI apps we know in indie, i think the SG gov is making a inhouse gov version for it. AI chat with pdfs, tables, etc

Carl Poppa 🛸

ooh 👀