Researching opportunities for freelance work and gigs
- remote job boards for freelance remote work
- local job sites for freelance, temp and fulltime work
- signing up on consultancy agencies for gigs
- local job sites for freelance, temp and fulltime work
- signing up on consultancy agencies for gigs
Emailed potential client for coaching on building a wordpress site. Whatever it takes to get past this hurdle! π¦Ύ
Registered for "Customer-obsessed: Designing Exceptional Experiences for CPF Members" guided tour at CPF Woodlands on Sat 30 Sep 9.30am as part of Singapore Design Week
Researched gov bidding platform GeBiz for consulting opportunities. Watchlisted 3! Time to dive in to see if worth bidding
Updated LinkedIn bio to reflect more recent work and skills
Sent feedback form to client team to ask for feedback and NPS rating
π€ Sent S$9500 invoice to client!
Completed full day Iteration workshop for non-profit client. It's the final session for the project so it's a wrap for this one!
Also seeded new possible micro-consulting sessions for the future! π€
Completed and sent out slidedeck for Iteration workshop for non-profit client
95% draft of slidedeck for Iteration workshop for non-profit client
70% draft of slidedeck for Iteration workshop for non-profit client
Coaching clients in design research and interviews
Coffee chat and meeting with Exec Dir of non-profit client I've been working with all this year
Post-mortem: Got new ideas and proposals to pitch for new work!