
Fastest way to innovate public policy & social services

Applied for VP, Design Lead, Digital Bank, UOB via LinkedIn - https://careers.uobgroup.com/job/Singapore-%28City-Area%29-VP%2C-Design-Lead%2C-Digital-Bank-Sing-048624/938236510/ - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Coffee with rep from heritage-related gov org to volunteer in advisory panel for digital innovation in heritage sector.. looks like I'm in for 2024

Applied for Entrepreneur in Residence, ninthLABS via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3728440927 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Jason Leow Author

Not heard before! You mean this right - https://www.antler.co ?

Carl Poppa 🛸

have you considered Antler, Jason? I hear it's $5k/month for 3 months.


Applied for Director, Emerging Technologies and Rapid Prototyping Lab, IMDA via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3706963880 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Change in approach – Realised I can also apply for positions at Design Director level as that's in line with my years + depth + diversity of experience. Because why not? If I don't believe in myself, no one will. 💪

Applied for Studio Director / Experience Innovation Studio for Dell Technologies via MyCareersFuture - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/information-technology/studio-director-experience-innovation-studio-dell-global-bv-918be8dee81e2bd96f84fbf47a86b139 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for Design Director for a financial institution via Allegis Group Singapore, on MyCareersFuture - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/design/design-director-allegis-group-singapore-5a879f69fda4a9459d6b4b554277b1da - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for Director, User Experience Design for Klook via MyCareersFuture - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/information-technology/director-user-experience-design-klook-travel-technology-2dd096d7f5b85b5b5a86cc041c345329 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for Design Director, Strategy for Standard Chartered Bank via MyCareersFuture - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/banking-finance/design-director-strategy-standard-chartered-bank-448af049a798c1dbd8da5cd5c154e867 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Arranged coffee with NHB rep to talk about panel of digital/innovation advisors

Sent out technical assignment required to proceed further with interviews for UX consultant role with education institute ISEAS

Sent out clarification email and annex doc answering the questions by gov client in a S$90k project bid 🤞🤞

Applied for UX Researcher for BandLab via LinkedIn - https://bandlab.pinpointhq.com/en/postings/ac1ee2c3-04da-438a-abae-84713112c75c - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for Senior Quantitative UX Researcher, Search for Google via LinkedIn - https://www.google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/99307947831501510-senior-quantitative-ux-researcher-search - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for First VP, Head of Discovery for UOB via LinkedIn - https://careers.uobgroup.com/job/Singapore-%28City-Area%29-First-VP%2C-Head-of-Discovery-Sing-048624/933278910/ - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for Discovery Designer for UOB via LinkedIn - https://careers.uobgroup.com/job/Singapore-%28City-Area%29-Manager%2C-Discovery-Designer-Sing-048624/940834110/ - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Received follow-up query from gov organisation on a ITQ bid I submitted a few weeks ago. Coordinating needed responses from rest of team

Call with recruiter for public sector client for a 6-month UX consulting project. Sending CV! Hope this pans out..

Applied for Strategic Designer for Thales via LinkedIn - https://careers.thalesgroup.com/global/en/job/TGPTGWGLOBALR0227048EXTERNALENGLOBAL/Strategic-Designer - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Made a plan for major portfolio revamp to showcase UI skills - not gonna go gentle into that good night without a fight

- Research good ux design portfolios
- Design for HR and hiring mgr - need diff versions? Or compressed vs expanded version?
- Choose case studies
- Add personal projects like grant hunt, safedistancing, lifelog
- Re-write case studies
- Launch password protected portfolio site?

- Details: More details needed in the portfolio. Right now it looks like more of an outline.
- Visual storytelling: could be better. Right now it's very text-heavy.
- Visual sense: Looking for more refinement in execution. e.g. whitespace, padding, line length, etc

Call with non-profit organisation about strategy/innovation position, but position level was too low, and work was mostly PM 😕

Applied for remote Product Designer for Momos via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3679329573 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Applied for Lead UI/UX Designer (VP/SVP) for a global bank via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3716903268 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!