
Fastest way to innovate public policy & social services

Applied for Head of User Experience, Access People via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3708143235 - whatever it takes to feed the feed and stay in the game!

Decided to focus on UX Research positions instead to play to my strengths - applied for 8 "UX Researcher" positions in My Careers Future job portal










Whatsapp-ed past contact in tertiary ed institution for design thinking training opportunities, open to even evening classes

DMed LinkedIn contact for opportunity to freelance on a 3-4 month (Nov-Jan) user research project related to news consumption habits

Customized and emailed primer document to potential client to showcase past work relevant to their needs

Meeting with potential non-profit client to discuss possible projects!

Got rejected for job application for Senior Product Designer at Open Gov Products, GovTech (probably due to lack of past UI design work)... oh well, gotta move on πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Attended DT|UX Summit by Singapore Polytechnic for some networking and also to see the legend Don Norman speak

Applied on MyCareersFuture job portal for Senior UX / UI Designer position in the Central Provident Fund Board - whatever it takes to feed the fam and stay in the game - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/design/senior-uxui-designer-central-provident-fund-board-227cf973e96712611dec20514e524452

Felt I could do better, so wrote a cover letter, improved my portfolio and cv and re-sent it for Service Designer role for OCBC Bank

Got referral from a tech for good friend for an interesting (unpaid) opportunity to be on Digital Advisory Panel for National Heritage Board. Emailed to chat more

Got message from a previous client to explore a potential digitalisation project manager role for her organisation - emailed to start exploring

Short call to clarify CV details with HR admin for job application for Senior UXUI Designer position at User Experience Researchers Pte Ltd.. finally some response!

Jason Leow Author


Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ



Just got a message from a friend for a potential S$6k project doing design research! Can't wait to discuss details next wk

Improved on portfolio doc, added CV to it so that it's all in 1 doc. Also decided to use ChatGPT to assist in cover letters for every application

πŸ’° Received S$9500 in bank from consulting client, after sending invoice out on 5 Sep - 14 days turnaround, I love this client! 😍

Applied for Service Designer position at OCBC Bank - whatever it takes to feed the fam and stay in the game - https://ocbc.taleo.net/careersection/ocbc_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=280650&src=SNS-10022

Applied on MyCareersFuture job portal for Lead Designer / Lead UX Consultant position via Jobster job board - whatever it takes to feed the fam and stay in the game - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/consulting/lead-designer-lead-ux-consultant-jobster-74a714a18cc30249a55767d9affddcd3

Applied on MyCareersFuture job portal for Lecturer & Consultant, User Experience (UX) Design position at National University of Singapore - whatever it takes to feed the fam and stay in the game - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/consulting/lecturer-consultant-user-experience-design-national-university-singapore-2fb25ea0e208ee4dd028c062a8bff599

Applied on MyCareersFuture job portal for Senior UXUI Designer position at User Experience Researchers Pte Ltd - whatever it takes to feed the fam and stay in the game - https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/information-technology/senior-uxui-designer-user-experience-researchers-6aaa96aa7eff06be526301974da3d401

Submitted $90k proposal for government project ITQ 🀞🀞🀞

Made a UI design portfolio on Figma because was asked by hiring manager - I thought I didn't do much UI design over the years, but managed to squeeze out at least 4 case studies!

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

is this Figma?

Jason Leow Author

The attached screenshot wasn't made from Figma.. from an old project before Figma even existed. I made it in Powerpoint lol


Updated Superpeer profile to offer micro-consulting sessions at US$150 a pop (30min) for govdesign and US$99/30min for indie hacking/nocode dev - https://superpeer.com/jasonleow

Sent out first job application in a looong time - whatever it takes to feed the fam and stay in the game


Update 22 Sep - Got rejected :(
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

all the best bro! you got this πŸ’ͺ

Jason Leow Author

Thanks bro! πŸ™