Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

πŸ›Έ maker, feminist, perpetual n00b

draft first tool summary

- to determine the format and tone for future summaries

quiet co-working stream β†’

okay we're live!

let's get stuff done together, separately.
as nature intended.

merchant support

- update merchant sites' blackout dates for upcoming festive holiday

πŸ›€ Rails refresher

- Bootstrap and custom CSS
- partials
- the asset pipeline
Jason Leow

Saw you working on it on the livestream! πŸ‘

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ Author

Lol thanks for joining in for a bit ^_^


πŸ“Ί going live now. quiet co-working stream.

extreme focus guaranteed 🎯

starting bright and early today

hoping to be there for a few time zones, at least partially co-work with me today, or if you just need a body double to help you stay focused. 8-hour livestream

Ran round Abel, escorted by the Minister, to learn about the Ministry's good work