
Software engineer - maker of things

Wrote a mini-tutorial thread on twitter https://twitter.com/chartbrew/status/1042391788848390144

Changed the layout of the chart editor to make it more intuitive

Chartbrew product is live on indiehackers https://www.indiehackers.com/product/chart-brew

Emailed existing users to ask for feedback and why they didn't use certain features

Investigate website usage to determine what to improve in terms of UX

Changed the back-end to allow admins to give free access to premium features to users

Made it less confusing for people to know that we only support MongoDB at the moment

Raz Author

Thanks! Glad you like it ✌

Raz Author

@ethan I would say that you can disable the warning and when a user signs up with an account that's not supported you can ask them on the next screen if they want to get notified when you added support for that type of account or something along those lines.


Placed the app on chartbrew.com πŸ’» We're live! πŸŽ‰πŸš€

Fixed issue with calculating subscription price with multiple team members