
Software engineer - maker of things

Prepared deployment tools and ran the first production deployment successfully

Added T&C and privacy policy agreement above the sign up button

Burned through all the MVP tasks, a few days of testing and tweaking before launch πŸš€

Hide elements, restrict pages, forbid actions on the UI based on user roles

Added the ability to change team members roles to all the available ones

added a toggle for the crisp chat so people can toggle the bubble

Created a subreddit in hopes of creating a community after launch (suggestions, feedback, bug reports)

front-end support for query size limitation - sub and upsell CTAs

back-end support for limiting the queries size depending on the subscription plan

Prioritised the last tasks before launch (11 tasks tasks left!)

Added the option to save queries to use them later in the project

Raz Author

Thanks! Hopefully it will be useful to people. Will most likely launch in the next couple of weeks so fingers crossed 🀞


ChartBrew looks awesome. Great work man