
Software engineer - maker of things

Ability to set the chart to update the end date with the current date

Added email communications for subscription updates, invoices, refunds and failed payments

Full support for adding new team members on the subscription from the UI

back-end support for adding extra members as a subscription item on Stripe

revamped a lot of the pages in the app, getting the small details in

Meeting with my partner to gather the last tasks to be done before launch

Handling redirects to login and user dashboard depending on token validation

Restricting subscription plan downgrade when the user exceeds the usage

Optimised the back-end by making the queries shorter and reusing more code

Did a run through all the systems in the app and fixed quite a few bugs

Played a bit with the visuals on the limitations

boom :)


Front end support for chart, projects and db connections plan limitations

Put together an architecture plan for managing plan limitation within the app

Full UI and backend support for managing stripe payment methods

Redesigned the user and team settings pages and made navigation easier