
iOS Developer | Currently working on File Ark

Added automatically generated Typescript types for schema using graphql-code-generator

InstaPets Timelapse Part 7:

Couldn't get autocomplete for GraphQL types in a .vue file for my schema, so using a separate .ts file for just the query

Set up proper dev enviroment for Lambda + Gateway with Serverless offline plugin

InstaPets Timelapse Part 6:

Updated Apollo config files for client vs server app and fixed the CORS issues

Got the GraphQL playground to work on the API Gateway for the Lambda function and using Serverless framework for deploying the function

Moved from Zeit Now to AWS Lambda for hosting Apollo Server because Zeit Now wasn't working with Firebase Firestore

InstaPets Timelapse Part 5:

InstaPets Timelapse Part 4:

InstaPets Timelapse Part 3:

Got the GraphQL Apollo Server working locally with getting data from Firebase, but looks like Zeit Now's server doesn't work with Firebase, so I'll have to deploy elsewhere

InstaPets Timelapse Part 2:

Made my first time-lapse video using Hustl. It goes over the setup process for project with Vue, Netlify, Firebase and Cloudinary.