
iOS Developer | Currently working on File Ark

Setup Graphcool's hosted backend for my database, so now I can use GraphQL for my queries

Read Kent C. Dodds's articles on testing and going to try out a TDD approach.

Netlify's support helped figure out what was causing the build issue and was able to resolve it

Got Netlify functions working, the Spotinst functions were causing timeout when called from the app.

Sanju Author

@sergio I got a response from Netlify today and it turns out if you use Functions and set any "AWS_" environment variables, the build will fail. I just have to remove those and build was successful, glad it was such a small thing.




Looked into another BaaS, Baqend, when I was reading up on API Edge caching. Going to try them out as a possible alternative to Firebase.

Read more about GraphQL and surrounding technologies like Apollo, Graphcool, Prisma, etc.

Read about GraphQL and Apollo and it sounds very interesting, so thinking about trying that out as well

I've been paying attention to those- graphql really seems like the future of APIs.

Sanju Author

As a query language GraphQL seems to make a lot of sense compared to the REST, but the implementation of the language to get the actual data from the database seems a bit fuzzy to me. Did a lot of reading today and started getting more confused about the different technologies surrounding it and what they try to accomplish like Apollo, Graphcool, Relay, Prisma, etc.


Moved from using AWS Lambda to Spotinst Functions because it costs half as much and the API calls are free unlike AWS. The functions only run for less than 10ms, but the network latency of connecting to and getting the data is actually about 100ms, which reduces the savings in speed from using a caching layer.

Research different types of feeds and how to cache them. Read up on scaling problems that might arise with this type of architecture.

Finished adding Redis through AWS Lambda, but ran into issues with the latency being ~300ms. Turns out creating a new Redis connection on each Lambda call is expensive, so just reusing the same connection, which brings it down significantly.

Fell into a rabbit hole with trying to access Redis through client-side javascript and spent 20+ hours getting nowhere 😞

Sanju Author

Didn't want to have additional overhead of running a cloud function to access Redis, so tried exploring a Rust -> WebAssembly -> Javascript approach as maybe a way to get Redis working on client side javascript. But unfortunately, getting WebAssembly to even work with the current project was hard enough and getting Rust to compile to WebAssembly in a format that's working was even harder. Due to the amount of time spent of this already, I'm going to move forward and just have AWS Lambda function get the data from Redis.


Researched API request caching and decided to manually setup a Redis cache for read requests to Firestore

Tried playing around with HTTP2 server push, but couldn't make much progress due to webpack complexity