Arnaud Joubay ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฎ

Serial Side Projectist. Indie maker of life change. App Store featured. Rails Adept. WFH. Dad. Baker of icebreakers. Creator of cows.

More cows. ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ˜… I left their name in clear, can you guess the dates they will be celebrating?

It's a teaser, I won't reveal them until D-Day

Banner/Logo for my "Ruby or Rails" twitter list

Offered free wallpapers for Quitter's Day

Download them for free here:
* Gumroad (for a fun read about the cow - and the typo in its name - or to buy me โ˜•๏ธ )
* Dropbox - โ€œRawโ€ version:
* Dropbox - โ€œMagritteโ€ version:

Walk in park w/ daughter & dog, cook, eat, put daughter to bed for a nap. Back to work!