
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Updated control endpoints of accounts api to take query params instead of headers

Got an acceptance test working for one endpoint. Had to switch to node-fetch because of extremely odd issue with axios in test.

Almost finished integrating aws4 signature function into tests for acceptance testing (I'm counting it)

Figure out how to sign requests with AWS4 for IAM protected endpoints in acceptance tests

spend 10 hours debugging your VPC connection only to realize you've been calling the wrong endpoints

Get serverless swagger_docs endpoint working with express and sls local/api gateway instead of hand rolled sls-local-alb

Do some R&D into using jest projects along with one top level jest file instead of multiple jest configs & lerna

Add integration for initiate-cancelation endpoint with staging cognito

st3v3n Author

Update cancelation API tests to use proper environment vals during integration tests


Eventually add dev cognito and use it for integration tests instead of staging.

Add uuid substring to testuser username in cancelation API integration tests

Update cancelation API tests to use proper environment vals during integration tests

Finished my first technical blog post, check it out:

started an interactive terminal docker container using /bin/sh with --rm flag and volumes set from memory

Finally figured out Xray's captureAsyncFunc option so I'm pretty close to finishing this blog post ๐Ÿ˜ช.