Sweet Jam Sites

F**k Wordpress. A productized service to build JAMstack websites for aggrieved Wordpress site owners.

Got access to Codemap.io, set up portfolio to start bidding for nocode gigs

Bubble development seems super popular! Next is Webflow.

Submitted 4 proposals for gigs on Upwork - tech/technical writing, web dev

Submitted payment request for Carrd redesign job on Upwork

Just $35, not much, but hey, it's my first paid gig on Upwork! Hope more will come.

🤑 Got a $35 gig for updating a Carrd landing page. Not much, but my first Upwork gig for a start!

🎫Earned "Identity Verified" badge on Upwork! Now I can get paid

🤞 Sent US$1999 quote to Upwork client

Carl Poppa 🛸

fingers AND toes crossed for you!

Carl Poppa 🛸



🤑 Drafted a quote for potential JAMstack web design client - US$1999!

Finished up v1 of client site! US$499 coming up!

Added T&C, Privacy policy
Created GA acc and added GA
Added Netlify Build plugins to optimize site

Showed first draft of landing page to client, got feedback. Iteration next!

Added Upwork RSS feeds of saved searches to Feed Reader Bot on Telegram, to get messages when there's new jobs posted

Created "full stack" web developer profile on Upwork to find gigs that make the whole product

Calling myself "full stack" feels like an over-reach, but that was the easiest term to go for.


Created nocode developer profile on Upwork to find nocode gigs


☕️ Received a $5 coffee from Yingda for helping with nocode tools

🍋 Experimented with all features on Headlime.com to use up my credits before the reset

Generated variations of landing page value prop statements, headlines, taglines, and potential Facebook ad copy for all my products. Tried writing out some blog posts without any seed ideas to see how far it can go.

I think GPT3 is great for shorter, self-contained copywriting like writing ad copy, value prop statements, taglines, elevator pitches, blog headlines and generating ideas for blog posts.

Struggled with using it to actually write a proper longer form blog post on a blank slate - unpredictable and seldom coherent (as kinda expected). I think you need to already have a rough skeleton of the post you want to write, and then use GPT-3 to flesh out the key points that you have to feed it. Or use it as prompters.

Just transferred 12 Carrd (accordion dropdown and pricing tables) templates out - they really looove them templates! Sweet Jam Sites

🤑Sent US$1999 proposal for custom JAMstack site to potential client