Sweet Jam Sites

F**k Wordpress. A productized service to build JAMstack websites for aggrieved Wordpress site owners.

Video call with potential web design client, but their needs are not suited for JAMstack. Despite, offered tips and resources for site optimisation. Always give value, even if not customer!

Shared about my services in Productized Services Facebook group

Fund Feb goals:
✅DONE - At least 1 task per day to monetize something. Done 2 so far.
Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.

Renewed domains for . Note to self: always search for coupon codes before renewing!

💠 Netlify RAWKS! Added Netlify-provided reCAPTCHA v2 to the contact forms for callhome.sg - Netlify is the gift that keeps giving! There's always shiny new useful stuff that you can add to your site, for free, and hidden away somewhere in their blog/docs

Did some css and color tweaks to callhome.sg, changed the secondary color grey to a light blue

Used photopea.com to 3D-transform/skew the smartphone screen mockups and make them look cooool 😎

Developed a publicity/donation drive landing page for callhome.sg, a local social impact initiative helping our migrant worker brothers call home for free. Used Stackbit's latest DIY theme (very awesome theme!), Github, Netlify and Zapier - temp hosting pg 👉 https://callhome.netlify.app/

Trying out subtle marketing by adding it to profile names on social media (Twitter, Telegram), and it worked (1 person messaged me about it today when I just edited profile name)

Chat with StackbitHQ marketing director Neta on how they can help Stackbit/JAMstack agencies forward... exciting! Let me know if you have any feedback or comments for Stackbit

Just set up email forwarding for and to my Gmails using https://improvmx.com - so brilliant, better than Zoho!

Received email from Stackbit, to talk about their new agency partnership program. Yes! That Stackbit! So excited! Can't wait to chat

Received email from Stackbit, to talk about their new agency partnership program. Yes! That Stackbit! So excited!

Received email from Stackbit, to talk about their new agency partnership program. Yes! That Stackbit! So excited!

Finished a Fiverr gig for a Carrd event countdown landing page within 1-2h for a 💩 customer

⚡️⚡️⚡️ End result after a day of SEO work on - 95 marks on Lighthouse! ⚡️⚡️⚡️

SEO mini project - installed Netlify Build plugins for img optim, inline source, optim font loading, auto sitemap generation and submission, for

SEO mini project - Submitted domain and sitemap to Google Search Console

SEO mini project - Uploaded sitemap to (Will figure out gatsby sitemap plugin next time) - update: used Netlify build plugins for sitemap auto gen & submission instead...amazing!!!

SEO mini project - Added SEO.js component and updated post.js for SEO