Day 122 - Say it till you ooze it

From "We’ll see” to “Let’s find out”
From “I’ll achieve this goal” to “I’ll learn my way towards this goal”
From "I’ll do these things to achieve this goal”, say "I’m the type of person who do these things" .

Using my goals as a reference:
“Get $5k MRR” to “I’m the type of indie hacker who can earn $5k”
“Sleep early to get enough rest” to “I’m the type of person who loves going to bed early”
“Wake up at 4am” to “I’m the type of person who relishes in waking up early at 4am”
“Learn how to code” to “I’m a developer, who enjoys coding.”
“I’ll write daily” to “I’m a writer, who write everyday”
“Steal back curiosity” to “I’m a naturally curious person.”

It’s not “Fake it till you make it”, but “Say it till you ooze it”.
Jason Leow Author

Cool! Let's try it tog. Btw this is based off the book Atomic Habits


Interesting take on goals. I'm on day 2 on this track and will definitely switch my mindset to think this way


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