Day 949 - Thank you Vue.js -

Thank you Vue.js.

For all the profit I'm making now with my products.
For giving me the scaffolding I needed to get start coding.
For ultimately giving me a shot at building my own SaaS on my indie hacking journey.

I remember when I just started learning coding, I could never understand plain Javascript. I took the popular courses on Udemy, learned HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Created a few micro-apps. But plain vanilla Javascript never quite 'stuck'. I never got far learning it from coding courses.

But when I saw Vue.js, it all clicked... somehow.

Maybe it was at the right level of abstraction.
Maybe the syntax 'made sense' to me.
Maybe it's because it reminded me of jQuery.
Maybe it's because I didn't need to install build tools to learn it.
Maybe because the docs were so well-written.

I was able to build tiny standalone 'apps' with just one or two features. Each tiny project got me more confident and optimistic, that it *is* possible. I can build apps. I went to Nuxt.js, a framework built on top of Vue.js. And the rest is history, they say.

Step by step, using Vue.js, I eventually built both my current revenue-generating projects - Plugins for Carrd and Lifelog.

So the gratitude is real.

Thank you Vue.js 💚
Jason Leow Author

Cool! You use Vue as well, Raif?


Yes! I jumped into vue 2 same year I got into code. And recently, Nuxt 3, which I used for Memo Mind. :)


yay! vue for life 💚


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