@sergio still waiting for streak / rest days to be fixed....
okay thanks for explaining that. do you know if there is a FAQ or help that explains how that and other features work?
well, it was 50+ last week. missed a day (while at a hackathon with bad internet access) with 5 rest days. both streak and rest days went to 0.
hmm, okay now i'm confused on rest days? had thought rest days meant if you missed a day, you could use a rest day? or - what are rest days?
hmm /about does not explain how rest days work.
@sergio though interesting in FAQ that streaks can be restored. my missing day last week was at this ATT hackathon with bad wifi and too much team chaos - here's one of three silly projects i built there: https://devpost.com/software/l-o-n-g-dog
also where do you find the "schedule" button (maybe this might be in the faq)
faq page still says not found https://gyazo.com/aa458967ebfc5bba4ab507e7300c5c69
@yosun for the missing day Sergio already answered https://t.me/makerlog/42476. There was a day when you haven't logged any tasks, so streak was naturally lost. Not a bug. But you shouldn't have lost the rest days, this was a known issue that Sergio fixed (see https://getmakerlog.com/tasks/131113 ), not sure why it didn't work for you. I messaged him too a few seconds ago. Rest assured, all will be okay again :)
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