Day 697 - Quantum tech for sleep -

I've been having a period of poor sleep quality lately. Even when I go to bed at 8:30pm to get 8h in bed, my sleep score's lower than usual. I would get 60%-70%, when it's usually 90% for 8h of sleep. That shows the sleep quality was poor. And indeed, I don't feel rested after I wake. Likely culprits might be stress, or a less than ideal diet, or caffeine. But it's been frustrating to not be able to pin it down to factors causing it. And I'm feeling like I'm out of options.

That's why when I saw the the 25% Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale for Leela quantum products, I thought it might be timely to introduce something new and different to my sleep biohacking. If trying the same things aren't bringing different results, it'll be insane to keep doing the same things. So I went and bought some [Leela quantum energy frequency cards]( – the calm and rest card, and the abundance card, at US$145 each (before discount).

The cards are credit card sized metal cards with the thickness of 2-3 credit cards stacked together. It fits easily inside a pocket or wallet and are charged with powerful, positive frequencies by world-renowned healers. Here's what they said about the calm and rest card:

> The Calm & Rest frequency was designed and intended to support a much more relaxed and deeper calm and rest. Leela Quantum Tech is neither in the medical field, nor intends to be, so we also refrain from making any health claims. We can only pass on what others say about it. All test persons so far have reported that within about 1-5 minutes clearly noticeable relaxation occurred, that some described as if the Sandman came and did his magic. Several people tested it while still being in a conversation. After 5 minutes they had to put the card away so as to not want to go to bed right away. Then they picked up the card again when they were generally ready to go to bed and had very good night of sleep, deeper than normal. No morning issues were reported at all since the frequency disappears fairly quickly when you put the card away.

I think combining the abundance card with sleep card will help. Abundance to help me with stress of survival and money in the daytime, and sleep card to help me relax and rest well.

Truth is, it always feels weird to talk about quantum tech, because it's so left field. Skeptics will think this is hocus pocus, a scam. But I do have some products from them, and I've felt some difference from touching and using it. Checking with more intuitive/sensitive energy workers who are based locally have also checked out. The way I see it – if it helps, even if from a placebo effect, then it helped. Worst case scenario is I wasted a few hundred dollars. No skin off my back.

Can't wait to try it! Will report back on how it fares.