Tiago Ameller
Ruby on Rails and Delphi developer
Pushed 1 change to m01mailer
remove turbolinks issues with datatables (double header/footer rendering)
fix datatables js shared code
when filtering email_logs for current_user (non admin), do not show total record count
mm65: fix users policy in public namespace
Pushed 25 changes to m01mailer
start up new restaurant customers
add dashboard update for admin users
Merge branch 'user_roles' into develop
Pushed 53 changes to m01mailer
Worked 3 hours on misc projects
Worked 5 hours on misc projects
Pushed 6 changes to mmenu.es
Pushed 7 changes to pounou
updated my private nextcloud instance
improve controller and feature testing
Pushed 1 change to m01mailer
Pushed 2 changes to mmenu.es
Pushed 1 change to mmenu.es
test all kind of user roles login and left side bar
add role to users to replace admin:boolean
Pushed 2 changes to m01mailer