Tiago Ameller
Ruby on Rails and Delphi developer
ja62: do not permit delete with dependents
Merge branch 'ja56_not_found' into 'develop'
visits_journal: open a visit in html mode
make gardens callable html and js (remote: false, remote: true)
gardens: show toasts when not found
Worked 5 hours on misc projects
Pushed 29 changes to jard
investiage calling DLL from excel issues
Pushed 1 change to mmenu.es
add and update upload invoiced stuff at client side
add OR and plate columns to invoiced report
upgrade ruby to 2.6.7; rails to 5.2.5
testing VBA+DLL integration with newer excel versons
updated ruby versions to 3.0.1, 2.7.3, 2.6.7, 2.5.9
Worked 5 hours on misc projects