Tiago Ameller
Ruby on Rails and Delphi developer
remove emails sent to sender
WIP add dashboard google data studio
Pushed 5 changes to m01mailer
ja66: employes can edit templates and contacts
ja65: check carousel indicators and next/prev buttons
Merge branch 'ja61_dashboard' into 'develop'
Pushed 21 changes to jard
Pushed 20 changes to jard
Pushed 20 changes to pounou
Pushed 1 change to mmenu.es
finished encrypting those all old backups in my less secure server
add ghseets secrets file to capistrano linked files
beta version of rake task to upload data for dashboard
overwrite same file when restoring
Pushed 13 changes to jard
Pushed 1 change to m01mailer
Pushed 1 change to clockin
Pushed 1 change to clockin
update backup scripts for all projects