
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

find out why was missing from Google for 3 days because I had added NOFOLLOW, NOINDEX robots tag (fixed by @neosilky)

fix /coworking url first load no items until click https://twitter.com/Maybach/status/1061552623243980800?s=20

troll makers on twitter https://twitter.com/marckohlbrugge/status/1061665997596184576

make frontpage first show horizontally scrollabe rows with cities under header for diff interests remove when filter is applied

Customer support: Wakefy not finding app under /Applications/Spotify.app

move ADD USER logic straight into payment logic, so user is added when paid, even if they forget to continue with the modal after

add “Having any problems signing up? Click here to message support.” to sign up modal