
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Put brainstormed ideas through the idea evaluation framework and try to kill every single one of them to see if they survive

fix /explore (for https://twitter.com/phiwut/status/1060588317656473600)

make scheduled cronjob with Puppeteer to run sign up test kit every minute

build sign up test kit so that sign up check out process is tested every single minute

expand community guidelines with crypto, monologues, self promotiron https://wip.chat/guidelines

automatically set/update Telegram channel icon when WIP Group icon is changed

add “email_unverified” field to Request Magic Login Link so that users who haven’t confirmed their email can login/confirm their email on login

Review ~300 ideas from 2014 to 2018 and brainstorm circa 20 new ideas with Borja

build test kit for post job page that runs every minute so I figure out quickly if it works or not