
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

send "upgrade to yearly membership" email to active users on monthly plan

fix email change alert shows up for username change in /settings (thx @patwalls)

Post tweet saying we're launching on Product Hunt https://twitter.com/rameerez/status/1074956246166441985

add filter pages to image sourcer so people can vote on best photo for filter pages too (idea by @f1mp3r)

build Change Credit Card function into /settings page so users can update their CC or reactivate expired accounts

fix update_bio function to sanitize less and only strip html tags etc (for @HiYukoIm @ronaldl93)

fix generate 24 placeholders when filtering not 256 placeholders accidentally

fix month selector, show temperature of month selected for date based on climate data, and add text overflow ellipsis (...) on month

fix tooltips so they don't go x<0 or y<0 or x>windowWidth or y>windowHeight