The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
change city CTA from "meet 435 nomads in city" to "Join 434+ nomads in city"
prioritize short_slug's for ex /manchester by population DESC, so that Manchester, UK gets /manchester and Manchester, NH, USA gets /manchester-nh
Asset elements are now CSS squares and mantain a responsive constant square ratio
watch @neosilky age via Telegram
remember user session indefinitely
add private admin-only notes to users (to keep track of warnings, etc)
send clientReferenceID (= user ID) to Stripe Checkout so I can identify the customer later on
add pushmore to ping me of new customers
listen for stripe webhook to automatically mark new customers as pro users
make cinema mock for docu xmas broadcast
try to gamify Billing section
launch new /settings page made in one night
add future payment upcoming
add public private toggle settings
remove login page as everything is through OAuth
hit /r/sideprojects frontpage
send welcome email to all existing users
send automated welcome email with features + Pro upsell
set up mailgun for incoming email (write script to automate?)
make avatar image uploader work