Stephane Mensah

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

pushed react-query and next-seo (profile page only)to staging mode

a live demo can be found at I started with profile page(/username/*).
Oh yeah, pages where you donate(/username/give/*) don't use react-query yet

enforce apiKey to be added each time a request is made to the api

up until now, the server didn't throw an error when it receives a request without an apiKey. From today onwards, any request made to the api server without an apiKey will receive an error with an appropriate error message

deployed a version of the api to

this deployment is just to test out render. Seem good so far

Indiehackers post(

Added Ku-di as a product on indiemakers

launched on product hunt(

Lil Prod

congrats! on the launch. now keep refining.


created a github org for ku-di

this new org account will be used to host and manage all private and public repo related to

display payout details error message

Now users will see error message when something goes wrong while submitting payout details

fix: update payout method details

created new api endpoint to update payout details instead of using the create payout details endpoint

send individual emails to new users who haven't yet created a creator account

fix: slug generation for posts

before this, new slugs were being generated when a post is published which overrides previous one

implement pointers from feedback by @nblackburn

Stephane Mensah Author

Thanks! I've implemented most of them. The membership tiers was a pain so i did a little tweaking as to not to mess up the whole thing cos the the page is made up of different components. I'll reply your email soon!


Happy to have helped πŸ˜€