Writelier (prev 200 Words a Day)

We are a community forming a writing habit and improving together.

article page - sending a comment sends a notification to the author of the article

notification page - implement script to add database table and code basic backend CRUD logic

text editor - a user can add an article to a collection in the publishing modal dialog

each collection has its own dedicated page to feature its articles

Basile Samel Author

Thanks :D Yeah, I wasn't lucky with the previous two. But I finally found an original brand name :D


was it a trademark thing or seo problem?


collection dashboard - a user can add/remove articles to a collection

dashboard - a user can modify a collection's title, description, and picture

dashboard - implement functions to search articles belonging to a collection or not

Added category pages

Users can browse the latest articles by tags. Pagination has yet to be supported.

article page - articles that have been updated automatically redirect to the newest version

Fixed a bug where HTML is escaped but not removed from article titles