Writelier (prev 200 Words a Day)

We are a community forming a writing habit and improving together.

dashboard page - a user can keep editing an update

Pending updates are now displayed in the dashboard and can be edited.

dashboard - text versions are grouped by parent text

Fixed a bug where different versions of the same text were shown in the dashboard.

Add an admin page

Added an admin page to debug streaks and ban/erase users

create a standalone github repo for a reusable DraftJS-based text editor (paperika)

crud generator - rewrite entity generator with nette's php generator

create reusable front-end boilerplate (Webpack Encore / React / TailwindCSS / SASS)

design logo

Carl Poppa 🛸

Not that you asked for my opinion, but I like it! I can see it's a fountain pen nib. But also it's something else, haven't quite figured out what yet. It's a shape that looks strong and sturdy, the word "dependable" comes to mind.

Veit Progl

Interesting, I needed some time to understand it. But I love it