Axel E. Rivera
Co-founder of @nxtpr. Also, I make games.
merged lane creation into master after code review
some social media. Can someone please take care of this - I prefer programming!
submitted pull request to master
code cleanup and jsdocing on enemy pattern branch.
started creating enemy patterns
modified spawnlane functions to take in number of lanes or laneWidth
added ability to specify vertical padding between spawn groups
created a generic way of spawning enemies with desired patterns based on lanes
brainstorming session with other developer
improved lane selection algorithm for spawning enemies
created spwan lanes for enemies and powerUps
tweaks to mechanics on fasterShootingBranch
some tag cleanup in our repo
1.0.0-alpha has officially been released and sent out to testers!
Cleaned up my makerlog (thanks for fixing the bug @sergio!) I was missing my tasks page!
gathered emails from playtesters to send them alpha
adjusted Mark's downward velocity
built alpha versions for mac, windows and debian linux
rebalanced mechanics on prototype branch based on feedback
gameplay discussion with other developer
release-alpha-0.0.1 is ready for playetesters