write down productized services and products I want to offer, and settle on a starting price
wrote "Start Coding, It's Not As Hard As You Think" https://writelier.com/start-coding-it's-not-as-hard-as-you-think-960f7e74-f113-4b83-8c5a-aca380c68333
finish main section of landing page
implement social card generator for articles
keep reading The Crafstman
display prerendered articles in the homepage
implemented a way to disable code-splitting when in dev environment
dashboard - fix pagination issues
start reading The Craftsman by Richard Sennett
import articles from writelier and implement function to parse markdown and prerender the articles
Wrote "Home Coworking Space" https://writelier.com/home-coworking-space-ce3843d2-1bbf-4c87-9095-f57eb066ba7b
dashboard - rewrite pagination logic
implement function to prerender article pages and test if it scales
Result: 100,000 articles pre-rendered in 160s with 8Gb of RAM :D